Sunday, January 15, 2012

Do What You Love

Having passed the age of 50, I feel like I am ready for my "second act."  While I'm still not sure about returning to the corporate world I worked in before I had kids, and while I like to think about going back to school to earn a Master's Degree, the one thing that I have always liked to do is craft and create things with my hands. 

I started playing with making jewelry a few years ago, but was unsatisfied with my results.  However, as soon as I started working with natural stone beads, I felt like I knew what I was doing  -- my bracelets and earrings were practically creating themselves, and it was fun to create new designs and new combinations of beads.

Any work that doesn't feel like work is something that I want to explore in more detail.  So here I am, starting a new blog, setting up a Facebook page, and selling my handmade jewelry on Etsy.  I really like how these first designs have turned out, and I hope you do too.